The Italian city of Pavia will host between the 2nd and 5th of December 2015 the first transnational meeting of this project that will allow young participants from Italy, Spain and Sweden to acquire different personal skills and professional competences by using theater as a learning tool.

Funded by the Key Action 2 of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission and coordinated by Asociación Juvenil ON&OFF (Spain) with the support of Calypso - il teatro per il sociale (Italy) and IFALL - Integration För Alla (Sweden), the main aim of this one-year partnership is to join organisations from different countries in order to work together and exchange good practices related to the training of young people on personal and professional skills that could allow them to develop their own theater projects or events and promoting at the same time their employability. To achieve this, partner organisations will design and develop different workshops to provide concrete competences to young people using as a base the theory of multiple intelligences of Hodward Gardner and its intelligence modalities. Even if these workshops will be especially focused on training young people to develop drama and theater projects and events, these materials will be suitable for any kind of young person who aims to promote him/her own internal development and acquire horizontal basic competences for any kind of position within the labor market and on the professional field.
This first meeting in Italy will not only provide partners a framework of dialogue to work on the next project steps but will also make possible to discover the best practices on youth and drama education carried out regularly by Calypso, hosting entity of the event.