The Italian city of Pavia hosted between the 2nd and 5th of December 2015 the first transnational meeting of the project that joined together seven representatives from the three partner organisations of this initiative and also local users and staff of Calypso, the host of the event.

To begin with, members of each partner had the chance to introduce to the group their organisations, staff, history, target groups, structures and best practices run at local or international level and related to the objectives and topics of “Projecting YOUth”. Once all the entities and their representatives were presented, partners went through all the logistics and administration guidelines to be followed during the project and related to the implementation and justification of its activities.
After that, all the participants started to deal with the main intellectual output of the project: a booklet based on the theory of multiple intelligences of Hodward Gardner to train young people on personal and professional skills that could allow them to develop their own theater projects or events and promoting at the same time their employability. Thanks to the framework of dialogue created during the meeting, all the attendees were able to work on this material, clarify the methodologies to develop it, share the tasks to be completed and agreed how it should be not only designed, but also tested and improved.
Out of the work related to the project, Calypso as hosting partner of the meeting invited the project participants to visit some local activities of the organization related to the project field (such as a theater play in a social centre or a rehearsal of a youth theatre group in a local secondary school) and organized a public closing ceremony. The ceremony allowed not only to introduce the project to the local community of Pavia, but also other activities of the entity thanks to video projections, users testimonies, presentations and a short performance made by young members of the entity.
In case you want to get more information about this initiative funded by the Key Action 2 of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission, you can visit the different sections of this website, follow the development of the project through its Facebook page or contact any of the project partners.