Seven representatives from the three partner organisations of “Projecting YOUth” (ON&OFF as coordinator (Spain), Calypso - il teatro per il sociale (Italy) and IFALL - Integration För Alla (Sweden) as partners) will take part on this training activity in order to transfer among them all the knowledge and content of the intellectual outputs created during the previous stages of the project. According to this, the main objective of this activity is to capacitate those trainers who will run the local workshops on each country that the project aims to implement in spring 2016, and focused on educating young people on personal and professional skills that could allow them to develop their own theater projects or cultural events to promote at the same time their employability.
Beside these trainers, the experts from the mentioned countries who created these products will also participate on the training. This will make possible not only to transfer all the materials created during the project to the trainers that will use them with young people in the next months, but also to solve any doubts that they could have concerning the implementation of the exercises designed or how to deal with the documents to justify the mentioned workshops.
Out of the general programme of work of the training, the event will give also to its participants the opportunity of getting to know the best practices of ON&OFF at local level for the education and inclusion of youth, meeting the staff of the organisation and discovering the facilities of the entity (on which the training course will take place).
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